A fogyás alapképlete
A fogyásnak egyetlen alapvető képlete van: az inzulinszint…
Hányszor étkezzünk naponta?
Sokan ismerhetitek a képen szereplő jobb oldali hozzáállást…
1138 Budapest,
Népfürdő utca 17/B. földszint
H – P: 8:30 – 17:30
I am a certified naturopath, an alternative & holistic medicine consultant specialising in herbalism, based in the 13th district Budapest.
I have worked with over 3000 clients over the last years, mainly focusing on digestive disorders, hormonal inbalances, autoimmune conditions, microbiome solutions and overall health and longevity areas.
In the past years I have published several books in stores, which have been sold in over 15.000 copies and also published several e-books about hormonal issues, digestive problems, iron deficiency, thyroid inbalances.
I am very pleased to be invited to podcasts, live events and to companies for holding talks about healthy living and longevity solutions.
My main feature is a medical device-based health check, which shows us the overall underlying causes of unbalanced health issues.
The consultation is 50 mins, including a 100+ pages English report with colorful diagrams and a step by step health and wellbeing advice, with supplements if required.
Upon invitation I run health check consultation for small groups at company events (health days) or I do regular visits onsite for employees.